Graphic Designs by J. Sabarese

Below are samples of some graphic design work. The images were created in Inkscape (SVG), Xara, Photoshop, Fireworks, Paint.NET, and other graphic design / image editing software.

Powertab Software

Powertab is guitar training software. Powertab is capable of playing tableture-like files as a practice aid. See filetype .ptb

Centre Web Design

a web development company

X Sidebar

An old addon for Mozilla web browsers

h1 - Demonstrating Basic Bootstrap CSS Styles




  1. ol list item
  2. ol list item


dt - Definition Title
DD - def data - this DL is child of div.container
Table Caption
Table Thead - TH Table Thead - TH Table Thead - TH
Tfoot - TD Tfoot - TD Tfoot - TD
TR > TD - table row data TD - table row data TD - table row data < TR
TR > TD - table row data TD table row data TD table row data < TR
TR > TD - table row data TD table row data TD table row data < TR
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